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Monday, March 26, 2007

"SSR" bear, not USSR

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Another new stencils and graffiti group form by my friends. I forgot the group name....i'll ask him later. But if i'm not mistaken, the name is "Shake, Spray, Run". That is why on that cute but very dangerous bear, you could see an acronym of the group name "SSR"....... of course i'll check it back with my friend if its true! Enjoy!


  1. bertambah lagi satu group stencil. the more the merrier rite!
    bout you did say bout your own piece la mr fc. you keep posting other peoples work lately... when is yours? cant wait for another suprise.


  2. efficient stencil and funny design
    like it


  3. sempoiiii....! rilek jek in broad daylight..!!
    and yeah beb, we are waiting for more suprises from mr fc himself! huhuhu...


  4. If i say that i'm bz, that would be the lamest excuse we all ever heard in this world but i am busy! hahahhaha!
    prvdz, onani-most[can't believe that urr using this nick i gave u]and everyone else visiting this blog, i'm sorry! i'll post my own piece soon!

    There is other reason why i didnt work my ass like before. Actually i still did some small street work... i didnt stop. I do stickers, tagging with markers and used other medium that i didnt really enjoy as i enjoyed stencilling and wheatpasting! that is why i didnt put it in here. I also working alone now. f-code used to be a collective of street artist who love vandalising the city. Working in a group of six peoples [3 boy and girls]. We first have to go through hard moment when one of my friend name Manaf died in an accident, his name appear in the movie sickmyduck. And shit happens again after that when two of our members decided to leave f-code because of some problems occured. And since mid 2005, im back just like when i started - alone. But i did do a lot of street work after that rite! And also working on this blog and "directing" the movie sickmyduck. So actually im not that lazy-ass with excuses like this...ooppss!

    Since im alone now, ive been thinking to transform this blog as a platform, to be shared with everybody, for ANY STENCILIST OR WHEATPASTER or to be precise to any STREET-ARTISTS to put their street works here. I definitely happy with the starting result of this blog so that everything is not about me anymore. We all shared in this maya world, "real arts" that really happen in real world, on the's about all of us, about bunch of people who loves street art very much. So this blog will act as a place where all the work were gathered safely, like a maya art museum. To be viewed by others who interested in this form of art and hopefully could drive some motivation for them. Also to inspired people to experienced themselves, the kind of orgasm you'll get from painting ~ on the street!

    So when talking about putting art on the street, i like to quote my friend G words "the best place to see artwork is in front of it" and it is true! you can enjoy anyone street-works here, but it wont be the same when you see it for real on the street! And if the best place to see artwork is in front of it, so that makes the best way to really experienced street art is to do it yourself! So you should consider about login out of this webblog, look over your trash for any thick papers, cut-out stencils, grab a couple of spray paint and start painting!............. and then send the picture to me!!!!! hahahahha!



  5. havent been here for sometime now and a good job you done here mr martkos[love to call you that way thou other call u mr fc];>

    talking bout "inspiration" and all those "banksy" or in malaysia "fcode effect", i must agree with some about what you did inspired a lot of people out there. Remember! that im one of the gang, i read all the "love emails" you received until last week i try to login to fcode email and found out that u have change the password. well i totally understand that! but you receive hundreds of email like every week from all over malaysia and out saying that they are proud of what you did... how much they love you and of course, i also read mails bout how girls love to date you out! the fcode effect that been broughtup by someone here has really taking it effects.....more people doing stencils than before, and it is not wrong for someone who knows you in and out, to say that they did it because of you!

    but im disappointed when you said "Actually i still did some small street work... i didnt stop. I do stickers, tagging with markers and used other medium that i didnt really enjoy as i enjoyed stencilling and wheatpasting! that is why i didnt put it in here."
    what is that supposed to mean. somehow i felt like someone else typing that words. stickers and tagging with markers were probably the most easiest form of street art. but it still need loves and passion to do it. it is still art! you seem to underestimated the power of stickers and marker pens. hope im wrong bout this coz still i didnt believe you'll say something like that!..... so explaination!

    well, above all. i love what you did for the city and of course the space that you gave here in your blog so that more street artist would come out from their hide and take over the street, with beautiful arts.

    did i know this "SSR" guys, he looks kind of familiar from behind.
    i love the font very much, different than any normal stencil font that normally used by any stencillist including you. you should try other font than "BOSTON TRAFFIC" or "CRASS" mr martkos!


  6. ingatkan u nak buat blog ni in malay je. apsal suma tiba2 write in english?

  7. aloo, hi my name emily,
    i dont really understand the situation here. i sendiri selalu buat stiker ngan boyfriend i dan kami rasa ia satu form art juga! kalu kamu tak rasa enjoy buat stiker, tak perlu la memperkecilkannya. the way i understand urr statement like been brought up by miss chihuahua is that, u look at people doing stickers as people who are cowardly doing something in hiding, playing safe unlike urr heroic act of stencilling that u think courageous enuff! if that is what u think, i must say that u just lost my respect! plus i did'nt really get it... why all this people talking bout "fcode effect". just because u had a blog displaying urr stencils, that doesnt make u deserve such respect! my boyfriend sprayed the "18?" all over KL, and it covered KL more than any of uur stencils! but maybe just because he didnt have a blog, nobody said that he started all this stencils culture! to me it bring more "effect" than any of urr stencils!

  8. totally have no idea here! don't we supposed to comment on the artist work, not the host of this blog!

    by the way. what kind of material for stencil that the guy use? i've click the image and the stencils look like a plastic to me, but what is that black board "orwhateveritis" for? if it use to cover the stencil, isnt it going to stick to the stencils especially when it is still wet. Plus plastic wont absorb the paint, so i bet the stencil would stuck to the board!

  9. never thought that it would be like this. my intention good as usual, to seek an explaination. just now i had sms martkos or known to you guys as mr fc bout this matter. but he is now out of town, somewhere not accessible to the net but promise to check this blog soon! the sooner he gave the explaination the better it will be for all of us. and for miss emily.... trust me that your boyfriend might be lying to you or he just another copier that copy the famous "18?" stencils, stickers, and throwup! because i know who did it and definitely not your boy! unless "he" is your boy!

  10. Apasal la nek besarkan benda yg kecil! aku tak nampak ada apa2 yg tak kena pun ngan kenyataan dia. Hanya sebab dia ckap dia tak enjoy buat stiker, tak bermakna dia pandang rendah pada orang yg buat stiker. Kalau tak kenapa dia sendiri pelawa sesiapa yg buat stiker ntuk pamerkan work mereka di sini.

    aku setuju ngan pendapat yg anonymous tu, kita patutnya beri pendapat kita pada artwork artis ni kerana beliau mungkin mengharapkan sesuatu maklum balas dari mereka yg mengunjungi site ini. Jika semua yg melawat hanya memberi komen pada hos site, maka sang artis takan mendapat sesuatu yg mungkin boleh memberi semangat dan motivasi kepadanya.

    melakukan kerja sembur-semburan di siang hari sememangnya memerlukan keberanian....kagum dan salut!


  11. hahahh...this good..this thing will make this blog grow more further and matured...hahah...about that 18?..for me i know who is that guy and include who the master plan behind i really want to know who ya 'boy' is...hahah...i really like all comment in here...hello emily mybe its true that ya 'boy' did it or maybe did not or maybe ya 'boy' just a copy cat...what ever the answer is just be proud to ya 'boy' cause he has guts to do it..even the popular stenciller it self for the first time doing art taking people art work to practice and ganerate new idea...cheers

    peace now

  12. thanx to chihuahua for bringing this thing up!
    she sms me last thursday saying that i need to check the blog but yesterday night she call me all the way from singapore to tell me bout this. apologise to evryone, but that is not what i meant. when i said that i still doing some small street work like in my previous comment, i refer to its size... not the act. i do SMALL SIZE stickers, tagging and very SMALL SIZE stencils also.i have ALWAYS look up to people who do art on the street, always have respect on this people no matter what they did either it is stickers, tagging, stencilling or whatever! i didnt meant to underestimated the act of putting up stickers and tagging. when i say i didnt really enjoy it, it meant to comparison with stencils and wheatpaste, i even enjoy doing it more than just hanging out with my girlfriend, ask chihuahua, she should know! i have fun doing stickers, but never as same as when i do stencils. so anyone out there who enjoy stickers and stuff, keep it up! good for you! but never in my mind thinking bout underestimating anyone who do stickers. but if that is how my word of typing sounds or look to everyone, i am really sorry.

    to miss emily, hope my explaination up there had cleared things up and i've also send it to your email. and just like u do, i also tired of the overated, over-exaggerated "effect" that this people been talking bout. bet they watch my movie but dont understands it. im shock that your boyfriend were the one responsible for the "18?" stencils. hats off for him! wish to meet him one day! really admire his work.

    Anonymous & Darwis was right, we all should be commenting bout "SSR" works here. they probably looking forward to hear other people feedbacks on their work. any questions bout me should go forward to my emails. i have no problems accepting anyone critiques.

    and lovebanksyway... i know you from ricecooker. glad that you're also here. love to know more bout you! send me an email ok!

    good news! i had change the password so the "old" fcode cant read the emails anymore! sorry!!!

    fcode[now without s]

  13. anonymous ask this ~ what kind of material for stencil that the guy use? i've click the image and the stencils look like a plastic to me, but what is that black board "orwhateveritis" for? if it use to cover the stencil, isnt it going to stick to the stencils especially when it is still wet. Plus plastic wont absorb the paint, so i bet the stencil would stuck to the board!

    i will try to ask the guys to answer it themselves, but it is plastic and the black board suppose to covered the stencils. its not gonna stuck if we fold it to the back side of the stencil, just to have some camouflage from passer by so that they may think that this guy is holding up a file instead of a stencils. it is a good cover-up to me!

  14. sorry for what happen b4. i misinterpret your words! im totaly sorry and hope that u and everyone here to forgive me.
    reading chihuahua comment makes me ask myself and my boy, is he really the one who did it and lead to another theory which i think mr fcode or martkos[whatever] himself is the one behind all that "18?".
    i just saw the movie 18? in youtube send by someone mysterious and began to wonder bout the truth that i had been told b4. did my boy did it or just a copier. did fcode did it? if you did it, why dont you just say so? lot of people out there wanting to know bout this!

    sorry again. hope that we could still be friend


  15. phewwh... missed the tense part. shit!
    i also saw the 18? thing but got no idea at all till last year i saw it at the RANTAI art xhbtn. iwent there thought that i might be able to meet the 'codemaker' but just the video.

    so bro my question is.... is it really you who did the '18?'


  16. look like all the missunderstood are cleard now...and the 'ssr' thing look like no more 1st topic..look like the 18? cover up all the hai mister f-code look like ya doing great job in here...seen like you can uncode all the problem in ya mista f-uncodeing...i love to mail ya but got big problem in here that hold my back to not mail ya ...i'm sorry..

    peace out
